Technical education aim at teaching to the students some trade or handicraft and giving them training in a particular branch of industry. Technical education has a practical and useful end. A literary education may develop the mind, refine the emotion, discipline the heart and nourish the artistic side of man but it suits a particular type of temperament. Technical education has a utilitarian motive behind it as its object is to enable us to develop manual or mechanical skill and thus not only earn our own livelihood but also become useful members of society from the economic point of view. A rough and traditional technical education has always existed in the past. A carpenter, a blacksmith, an architect, etc would take apprentices who tried to learn their work by constant observation and practice but with the introduction of machinery into industry and other changes in the life of people, technical education has to be given along more scientific lines. Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, training in public works and scores of allied branches of human industry fall with in the scope of technical education. We live in a scientific and industrial age. Technical education is a necessity of our times. Without it the whole industrial system would come to a standstill. It is, therefore, the very foundation of industrial progress and development. Pakistan is a developing country from the technical point of view. No doubt many industries have been started here but a great deal is yet to be done. We look forward to an era of industrial development in this country. The starting of industries here should be accompanied by the opening of technical institutes. There are a number of such institutes even now but the number is too small, particularly the number of Government Technical Institutes. Financial problem is a undoubtedly a thorny one but Government support would be able to solve this problem very easily. This effort can put our country on the path of progress and Pakistani can become a developed and prosperous nation in near future.