Tips and Tricke Student Guide

Tips and Tricke Student Guide



Newspapers have become an essential part of our daily life. No literate person can do without a news paper these days. The first thing one does in the morning is to seize the paper and glance through its pages hungrily. A newspaper contains a lot of news. They keep us in touch with the entire world and with the occurring events. An earthquake, a cold wave an accident or a social or political gathering, all these finds place in news papers. Besides their informative character, newspapers possess a literary value also. Articles of well known writers, contributions by great men, book reviews by able critics are the part of newspaper. It is a fact that in addition to the news which have only a passing interest for us, news papers contain much matter of permanent and lasting value. Most people, however, regard news papers only as a source of news and pay very little attention to their literary portions. Newspapers are a very powerful means of propaganda. They build and mould public opinion. The average man does not usually have any views of his own on any matter. He takes ready-made views from the papers. The newspapers also serve as a good platform of public opinion. Because the public can express its views in letters to the editors, which are published in the papers. The educative influence of newspapers is very great. They create a direct contact between the nation and the leaders of the nation. Newspapers provide a great incentive to business. Businessmen can advertise their goods in the newspapers and thus reach their customers. The art of advertisement has made a surprising progress and it is impossible for any merchant or shopkeeper to stop himself from using this facility. They are means for bringing together buyers and sellers, employers and employees, lost children or lost property and those searching for them. At the same time, newspapers can do a great harm. Some newspapers lower their moral tone in order to appeal to the low sentiments of the readers. Sometimes a newspaper is attached to a particular political party then it takes a one-sided view of every matter. The vulgar and indecent advertisements are also published. This is improper and is very fatal for young generation.